LAPLAND – THE NORTH OF FINLAND LET THE LAPLICATION BRING THE NORTHERN LIGHTS TO THE PALM OF YOUR HAND Finnish Lapland is No ordinary destination. Our attraction is the wilderness and the natural phenomena that make every other place feel ordinary. To give people a taste of our winter's most amazing light show, the Northern Lights, we created an application that not only showcases this phenomenon but brings the Northern Lights to their fingertips!
Suunnittelutoimisto / Design Agency
Asiakkaan vastuuhenkilö / Clients Representative
Strategiajohtaja / Strategy Manager
Tekninen suunnittelu / Technical Designer
Projektinjohto / Project Management
Art Director
Tuotantoyhtiö / Production House
Muut suunnitteluun vaikuttaneet henkilöt / The design was also influenced by
3D-animaatio / 3D Animation